This work is published by K.G. Saur, Munich, Germany, 1995. This volume is in three sections.
The documents for this work were obtained as the result of more than ten years of research. Most of the material in this volume was obtained from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). A few of the documents were obtained from the private files of former internees. The research of this work was enhanced by the help from former internees, i.e., Americans of German heritage. The research continues. It is a slow process because the time it takes for many of the government agencies to respond to Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOI/PA) request.
Volume IV: The World War Two Experience. The Internment of
German-Americans: Documents
Editors: Arthur D. Jacobs and Joseph
E. Fallon
Medium: 3 sections in 4 parts
ISBN: 3-598-21534-7
Volume IV/Section 1: From Suspicion to Internment: U.S. Government
Policy TowardGerman-Americans, 1939-1948 Medium:
2 parts; complete set c. 810 pages
ISBN: 3-598-21535-5
Volume IV/Section 2: Government Preparation for and Implementation
of the Repatriation of German-Americans,
Medium: C. 380 pages
ISBN: 3-598-21536-3
Volume IV/Section 3: German-American Camp Newspapers: Internees'
View of Life in Internment
Medium: 257 pages
ISBN: 3-598-21537-1